Journalist, David Gumpert, has posted quite a comprehensive review of the leading legal battles for food freedom in the good ‘ole USA. His most recent blog post shares some of the top cases from 2012 and some thoughts for 2013.

I encourage you to visit his blog and read through his complete post In 2012 Food Rights Became Legal Issue–Can A Movement Emerge in 2013? My confidence lies in that you will soon see that the battle is not over. Whether you consume raw milk or not, the critical issue at hand is whether American citizens have the right to determine what foods they choose to consume and whether they have the right to enter into private contracts with farmers to provide that food to them when they are unable to grow their own food supply.

We thank all those that have continued to support our farm and local food providers across our nation. This is just one area that our personal freedoms as intended by the Constitution  are coming under attack by the legal entities at large that are put in office to protect those very same freedoms that are now in jeopardy.

Have you seen the harassment and persecution of a business that is taking a stand against its forced participation in Obamacare? The first line of the Bill of Rights states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Yet, that is the very basis of the case involving Hobby Lobby. An excellent review of this can be found on Denny Burk’s post, Does Anyone Care What Happens to Hobby Lobby?

Another issue to keep your eye on is the continuing battle over our legislatures willingness to enter into any United Nations Treaties that could affect individual rights of the American People. What most citizens do not understand is that any stipulations of international treaties that the United States signs on to supersede our rights as outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.To stay abreast of this issue, please visit the

We must not fall asleep in holding our elected officials to a level of accountability. My challenge to you in the 2013 is to know who your elected officials are, how to contact them, and then be in touch frequently. Apathy will be the demise of our nation as we know it!